Here's How Using StaffingCall Can Fix Your #1 Staffing Problem in Minutes
Sick calls and no-shows? Stop wasting valuable time and money scrambling to fill short-shifts. Within seconds, reach out to ALL off-duty staff for the skill-set you need, WHEN needed, to fill a vacant shift.  We'll set you up for free! And after a month, share your experience on how YOU won, because you will, and then, let's make it even better!
Here's How StaffingCall Will Enable You to Fill Shifts with Ease
Create an instant staffing-request by opening the main menu.
All staff are immediately notified and able to respond to the shift offer at hand.
Your off-duty staff review the shift offer then respond as desired. Staff and unions see that all processes are in place to provide members the best opportunity to receive the shift offer. Bias-effect, gone.
As a supervisor or call centre, offer the shift to the staff member for your needs.
Use our custom, unique algorithm as necessary to ensure the shift goes to the appropriate staff. Fair and equal. Everyone wins. Shift filled.
Keep it simple. Never waste time again with outdated processes. You win.